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External wall insulation


External Wall insulation Watford & Rendering

External Wall insulation Watford: Why External Wall Insulation is a Must-Have for London Homes

Are you a London homeowner looking to improve the energy efficiency of your home while also reducing your carbon footprint? If so, then external wall insulation is a must-have for your home. Not only does it improve your home’s energy efficiency, but it also provides several other benefits that make it a worthwhile investment.

What is External Wall Insulation?

External wall insulation involves applying a layer of insulation to the exterior walls of your home, followed by a layer of render or cladding. The insulation is usually made from materials such as expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, or polyurethane foam. The render or cladding is then applied to protect the insulation and give your home a fresh new look.

Benefits of External Wall Insulation for London Homes

There are several benefits of external wall insulation for London homes, including:

Improved Energy Efficiency

One of the primary benefits of external wall insulation is improved energy efficiency. By adding a layer of insulation to your home’s exterior walls, you can reduce the amount of heat that escapes from your home, keeping it warmer for longer periods. This means that you won’t need to rely as much on your heating system, which can lead to significant cost savings on your energy bills.

Increased Home Comfort

Another benefit of external wall insulation is increased home comfort. With better insulation, your home will be better able to maintain a consistent temperature throughout, eliminating cold spots and draughts. This makes your home more comfortable to live in and can even improve your overall health and well-being.

Noise Reduction

External wall insulation can also help reduce the amount of noise that enters your home. The insulation material acts as a sound barrier, blocking out noise from outside and reducing the amount of noise that travels between rooms in your home.

Improved Home Value

External wall insulation can also increase the value of your home. By improving your home’s energy efficiency and overall comfort, you can make it more attractive to potential buyers if you ever decide to sell.


External wall insulation is a sustainable solution for London homes. By improving your home’s energy efficiency, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment. Additionally, many of the insulation materials used in external wall insulation are recyclable, making them an environmentally friendly choice.


If you’re a London homeowner looking to improve your home’s energy efficiency and overall comfort, then external wall insulation is a must-have. Not only will it save you money on your energy bills, but it will also increase your home’s value and reduce your carbon footprint. So why wait? Contact a professional external wall insulation installer today to learn more about how you can improve your home.


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